THE No-BS community for coaches serious about becoming fully booked
If you want real-world help and support from someone who has been a fully booked coach since 2008, you’re in the right place.
You may feel flat, frustrated and fed up with how hard it is to attract paying clients.
Maybe you’ve been battling alone, not really sure what to do or even how to do it, and you’re sick of it.
My name is Tim Brownson, and I get it. I was in the same situation as you way back in 2006, and it sucked.
Nobody told me that spending a shit ton of money on training didn’t guarantee me any, never mind enough, paying clients.
Or that being passionate and genuinely wanting to help people didn’t give me a competitive advantage over other coaches.
I had to find out the hard way, on my own.
It was a lonely and frustrating experience, and I considered quitting coaching several times.
At this point, I’m supposed to say; I was so broke I lived in a dumpster, sucked rainwater out of an old sock, and ate random furry animals to stay alive before finally figuring things out.
But I’m not into inventing lame origin stories; fortunately, none of that happened.
However, it was as much through luck as judgment and having savings from a successful sales career.
Even so, I came scarily close to going back into corporate sales and even uploaded my CV (resume) to Monster, the leading sales job board.
Fortunately, you don’t need to struggle alone because The Fully Booked Coach Community can help you.
Why is The Fully Booked Coach Community the best coaching community out there?
Our industry is flooded with bullshit and batshit promises.
You can’t swing a kitten online, never mind a cat, without hitting someone who claims they can help you effortlessly skyrocket 🚀 your coaching practice to hit $10k months💰in 10 days on autopilot ✈️
It’s all fantasy.
The only things I’m going to promise you are that you will never become a fully booked coach unless you’re prepared to work fucking hard on your marketing.
And that this community will be there to support you every step of the way.
And I can say the former with total confidence because I’ve been a full-time coach for almost 20 years and know there are no shortcuts.
If you doubt my level of experience and knowledge about our industry, Google me.
You will see caching content I’ve created going back to September 2006 on A Daring Adventure and social media profiles on Facebook and LinkedIn that go back even further.
I was posting self development videos on YouTube as long ago as 2010, many of which have had thousands of views.
You will find sites and podcasts that interviewed me and well-known blogs I have written for. There are no dead ends.
None of this is to brag but to help you feel at ease. I’m not another failed coach who thinks they can help coaches do what he can’t.
And I can say the community will support you because that is the only reason I am building it.
You’re welcome to put me to the test.
You can join the community today for less than the cost of a filet mignon.
presuming you don’t want too many sides that is.
And that price of £25 is locked in throughout 2025.
So, no matter how much I raise the price, you won’t pay a penny more if you join today.
Now, I love filet mignon as much as the next person, but not quite as much as eating at fine-dining restaurants regularly, or going on vacation.
These are things that you can do if you nail your marketing.
And the community will help you with that very marketing.
For just £25 per month, you will get:
- My support (almost) 24/7
- Monthly challenges to keep you on task
- A community of fellow coaches, many of whom have done or are doing what you want to do
- The ability to practice with other coaches or form masterminds, groups etc
- More clarity on how you can stand out in a brutally competitive industry
- Updates on changes and breakthroughs in AI that can help you as a coach
- Expert interviews and presentations
- Exclusive content
- The price locked in throughout 2025 – no matter how much I raise the price, you won’t pay a penny more
You’re probably thinking ‘Yeah, that is cool Tim, but I’m reluctant to join another platform’.
-Yeah, I get it; really, I do.
Over 8,500 coaches are in my two Facebook groups, built up over many years of hard work, so I’ve been extremely reluctant to move.
But it was through a sense of comfort, familiarity, ease and the sunk cost of hundreds of hours, rather than any solid business reason.
The reality is that I was sick of Facebook not sharing my help with 99.9% of my group members.
Sick of trying to wade through crap I had no interest in.
Sick of wondering whether the next algorithm change would reduce organic reach even further (Hint: they always do).
Sick of being bombarded with ads for get-rich-quick schemes.
And Meta’s recent decision to scrap fact-checkers and ease off on deleting personal abuse under the guise of freedom of speech was the last straw. Not that I needed one!
I did a lot of research before deciding that Circle was the best platform for building a real community for real coaches.
And since I launched the beta test in May 2024, nothing has changed my mind- it’s brilliant, and you will love it.
Not only will you love it for The Fully Booked Coach community, but it may well give you an inkling of what is possible for you as a coach in building your own community.
Here is what you can look forward to…
Monthly presentations given by me, on topics needed by you.
Each month, I will drill down on one specific topic, and to get you up and running, I will give a presentation on that topic on the first Monday of the month, starting in March.
- February – How to develop your niche
- March – How to work out your client avatar
- April -How to build your brand
- May – How to build and maintain a newsletter list
- June – How to write compelling copy and tell engaging stories
- July – How to sell without being sleazy
Core Values, SEO and other topics will be added as we go through the year,
Each presentation has a Q&A and will be recorded in case you want to rewatch or cannot make the live call.
The recording will be available to download until the end of the following month.
There is also an in-depth supporting workbook for you to use as a reference, as well as a transcription of the call.
These presentations distil my 20 years of coaching, marketing, and sales experience and allow me to give you the information you can implement to help you become a fully booked coach.
Even though the presentations are worth far more than the monthly cost alone, that’s not all there is for you.

“The presentations are worth the cost alone and Tim’s honesty and candour about the coaching industry makes a refreshing change”
Each month will end with a 10-day challenge.
You can stick with the month’s themes set by the presentation, but you don’t need to.
As long as whatever it is will have you feeling like you moved forward with your coaching practice and have you end the month on a high, that is all that matters.
Ideas of things you could do are….
- Fill in your client avatar
- Finish any coaching hours you need for certification
- Write five blog posts
- Decide on a niche
- Reach out to three people about coaching every day on social media
- Finish the copy for your homepage
- Set up Calendly to synch with Zoom
- Research the best email platform for your coaching practice
- Have an hours call with another coach to brainstorm ideas
- Apply to be a guest on a podcast every day
- Finish your business taxes
If you don’t always finish what you intend in any given month (I’m a bit like that!), the challenges can give you the accountability to do so and add so much more value than £9 per month!
Note: You can ignore the challenges and still get massive value from the group. These are more of a bonus.

“Being part of The Fully Booked Coach’s Circle Community has been transformative for my understanding of how to market my coaching practice. The support, feedback, and encouragement from Tim has been invaluable”
Twice Monthly Office Hours
On the second Tuesday of each month at 4.30 pm UK time (11.30 am EST), I will be joined by Liz Scully.
Liz spent 20 years working on big Hollywood films – she’s won an Emmy + her work is multi-Oscar nominated. Now, she’s a business strategist and a Mastermind evangelist and expert.
Although now based in London, she’s spent long periods as a digital nomad and, although Irish, speaks with a strangely English accent.
We will both be available to answer any questions you may have about your marketing efforts. Between us, we have four decades of marketing experience!
There will also be one at 3 pm (11 am EST) on the last Friday of each month, where I will be on my own fielding your questions and maybe doing some impromptu coaching.
Sometimes, I will have a set topic, such as AI or niching, but other times, I’ll be available to help however I can.
If you cannot attend a call but want my help, you can post a question in the community for me to answer in your absence. Then you can watch the replay.

“This community is jam packed with great stuff, and has exceeded any expectations and hopes. Every week there are more posts and webinars than you can shake a stick at — all included!!”

Business strategist and mastermind guru Liz Scully
Ask Tim
If you don’t want to or cannot wait for the next office hours to get a more complex question answered, this is the space for you.
Type your question, tag me and then sit back as I spring into action like a hibernation-exiting bear who spots a shoal of fat, tasty salmon heading upstream.
I will whip out my phone and record you an answer quicker than Stewart the salmon can ask his mate, ‘Is that Colin’s arse hanging out the mouth of a fucking bear up ahead?’
Sadly, it was Colin’s arse, and he went from being a first-rate swimmer to a first-rate, first course for Brian the Bear.

“I so appreciate Tim’s perspective as someone who has personally done exactly what he teaches coaches to do—meet their revenue goals”
Website reviews
Every month, I do a deep dive into and review a community member’s website.
These aren’t the 5-minute reviews I occasionally do in the Facebook group, but much deeper dives where I look at every page (up to a maximum of 10) and will spend half an hour or more.
I’ll offer feedback on headlines, images, calls to action and the likelihood that your site will do what you want it to do, which is bring in clients.
You will have a video of actionable advice that you can go away and implement.
Note: I will take these in the order people ask. But even if I’m not reviewing yours, you will still benefit from watching the recording.

“Tim’s insightful comments about my website were valuable and dealt with things I could immediately take action on. He then reviewed my site a second time and gave me even more helpful feedback.”
Don’t miss out – join now
Remember, there is no long-term commitment. It’s on a month-by-month basis, and you can leave anytime-no questions asked.
Plus, you get 7-days to trial the community so you can be 100% sure it is right for you.
And when you join before the end of February, I’m committed to holding your price at £25 throughout 2025, no matter what the price goes up to.
Any coach who wants more paying clients. Coaching experience levels are irrelevant.
And when I say coach, that also means NLP and hypnotherapy practitioners as well as counsellors and therapists.
The mechanics of attracting online clients are the same across all similar sectors.
£25 per month with no contract and a 7-day free trial. You can cancel at any time.
You get a link to the Circle community and admission to all the Spaces. You will need a Circle account, but that part is free, easy and takes a couple of minutes.
Er, no.
You can leave at any time, but you will have to commit £9 at least once.
Absolutely not. It will kick lots of ass.
I’m keeping the cost down because I want to make it as affordable as possible for as many eager coaches as possible.
I know it’s cliched as fuck, but I get much bigger buzz helping people than I do staring at my bank account.
Plus, I know that some people will go on to hire me when they see the value I deliver consistently.
Absolutely not.
If you maintain your membership, your price will not go up before 2026 at the earliest. And even then, if that should happen, I will give you plenty of notice.
Yes. If this was a mastermind and you were paying £250 per month, I’d be hesitant, but you will easily get value from the recordings and the other exclusive material and help.
I will also hold some calls earlier in the day to make it easier for people in the southern hemisphere to attend.
Sure, you can, but why would you? As coaches, we know that once we act, good shit happens!
Absolutely, there are no contracts and no pressure to stay. The pressure is on me to deliver value so you want to stay.
You need a free Circle Communities account; links will come when you sign up.
One of the main reasons I opted for Circle is because it is so easy to use.
Depending on your device, you can access everything through your web browser or the app—or both.
It is incredibly intuitive to use with different Spaces (the Circle name for groups) for different topics.
If in doubt, join the free part of the community and check it out.
Not if you don’t want to.
You can just consume the webinars, interviews and information I share to help you succeed.
Having said that, you will get more from it if you do interact with your peers, and me.
Also, you are required to use your real name in your bio with a link to either a social media account or a website.
Not at all.
You can do as many or as few as are relevant to you.
There is easily enough value to be had from the community without ever joining in a challenge or being on a live call.
Maybe not quite as much, I have no wish to offend people.
But I do occasionally get excited and utter the occasional expletive.